Hedge Woundwort is a
perennial plant of the UK, typically found growing in woodland and forest, to a mature height of up to 100cm.
Hedge Woundwort is named after its habitat and traditional usage to dress wounds and promote healing. It is a hairy erect, square-stemmed plant with stalked nettle-like leaves and tall flowering spikes with widely-spaced whorls of flowers.
Botanic classification and naming: Hedge Woundwort is a member of the Mint (Lamiaceae) family. The genus name
'Stachys' identifies the plant as a Hedge Nettle and its species name 'sylvatica' means 'forest plant'.
Benefits: Attracts Honey bees and Bumble bees. Provides food for the larvae of the Woundwort Shieldbug.
Benefits to wildlife are also indicated with orange icons in the plant profile bar at the top.