Marsh Woundwort is a
perennial plant of the UK, typically found growing in marshes and water margins, to a mature height of up to 90cm.
Marsh Woundwort is named after its habitat and traditional usage to dress wounds and promote healing. It is a hairy erect, square-stemmed plant with elongated leaves, that are stalkless near the top of the plant. It has flowering spikes with closey-spaced whorls of flowers.
Botanic classification and naming: Marsh Woundwort is a member of the Mint (Lamiaceae) family. The genus name
'Stachys' identifies the plant as a Hedge Nettle and its species name 'palustris' means 'marsh-loving plant'.
Benefits: Attracts Honey bees and Bumble bees.
Benefits to wildlife are also indicated with orange icons in the plant profile bar at the top.