Procumbent Pearlwort is a
perennial plant of the UK, typically found growing in rocky areas, pavements and waste ground, to a mature height of up to 10cm.
Procumbent Pearlwort is a very common bright green, creeping and mat-forming plant, frequently found growing between paving stones. It is a branching plant and spreads rapidly overground by trailing stems that root at the nodes. Procumbent Pearlwort bears its leaves in upturned tufts and has tiny flowers with small transluscent-white petals.
Botanic classification and naming: Procumbent Pearlwort is a member of the Carnation (Caryophyllaceae) family. The genus name
'Sagina' identifies the plant as a Pearlwort and its species name 'procumbens' means 'prostrate (grows trailing along the ground)'.
Concerns: The plant can be transported to new areas easily on footwear, spreads readily and can quickly become invasive in areas where it is introduced.