Plant List A-Z
Flowering in
Wild Parsnip
Annual Mercury
Annual Wall-Rocket
Bell Heather
Common Hemp Nettle
Bird's-Foot Trefoil
Bird's-Nest Orchid
Black Bindweed
Black Bryony
Black Horehound
Black Medick
Common Bramble
Bladder Campion
Blue Bugle
Blue Fleabane
Bristly Ox-Tongue
Broadleaf Plantain
Bush Vetch
Canadian Goldenrod
Carline Thistle
Cat's Ear
Wild Chamomile
Changing Forget-Me-Not
Common Chickweed
Wild Chicory
Climbing Corydalis
Clustered Bellflower
Common Agrimony
Common Centaury
Common Fiddleneck
Common Fleabane
Marsh Samphire
Common Knapweed
Common Mallow
Mouse-Ear Chickweed
Common Orache
Common Ragwort
Common Restharrow
Common Storksbill
Annual Sunflower
Common Toadflax
Common Vetch
Wild Mint
Wall Speedwell
Cotton Thistle
Creeping Buttercup
Creeping Thistle
Cross-Leaved Heath
Cut-Leaved Cranesbill
Common Daisy
Common Dandelion
Deadly Nightshade
Dove's-Foot Cranesbill
Dwarf Gorse
Dwarf Thistle
Enchanter's Nightshade
English Stonecrop
Fairy Flax
Fat Hen
Field Bindweed
Blue Field Madder
Field Poppy
Field Scabious
Water Figwort
Wood Forget-Me-Not
Common Foxglove
Common Fumitory
Common Hogweed
Goat's Rue
European Goldenrod
Great Burnet
Great Willowherb
Greater Burdock
Greater Celandine
Greater Knapweed
Greater Sea-Spurrey
Yellow Rattle
Green Alkanet
Common Groundsel
Hairy St John's-Wort
Hedge Bedstraw
Hedge Bindweed
Common Hedge Mustard
Upright Hedge Parsley
Hedge Woundwort
Hedgerow Cranesbill
Hemp Agrimony
Herb Robert
Himalayan Balsam
Himalayan Honeysuckle
Wild Honeysuckle
Common Hop
Ivy-Leaved Toadflax
Japanese Knotweed
Common Kidney Vetch
Common Knotweed
Lady's Bedstraw
Large-Flowered Evening Primrose
Lesser Burdock
Lesser Water Parsnip
Common Heather
Wild Marjoram
Marsh Mallow
Marsh St John's-Wort
Marsh Thistle
Marsh Woundwort
Meadow Buttercup
Meadow Cranesbill
Monkey Flower
Nettle-Leaved Bellflower
Orange Balsam
Oregon Grape
Oxeye Daisy
Oxford Ragwort
Perforate St John's-Wort
Pineapple Mayweed
Pink Sorrel
Ploughman's Spikenard
Prickly Sow Thistle
Procumbent Yellow Sorrel
Red Bartsia
Red Bistort
Red Campion
Red Clover
Red Dead-Nettle
Red Shank
Red Valerian
Ribwort Plantain
Common Rock-Rose
Rosebay Willowherb
Rough Hawkbit
Salad Burnet
Wood Sanicle
Scarlet Pimpernel
Sea Beet
Sea Bittersweet
Sea Purslane
Portland Spurge
Common Sea-Lavender
Common Selfheal
Shepherd's Purse
Common Skullcap
Small Balsam
Small Scabious
Small Teasel
Small Toadflax
Smooth Sow Thistle
Common Soapwort
Spear Thistle
Long-Leaved Speedwell
Sticky Groundsel
Stinging Nettle
Thyme-Leaved Speedwell
Traveller's Joy
Tree Mallow
Twiggy Mullein
Common Vervain
Viper's Bugloss
Wall Lettuce
Water Mint
Wavy Bittercress
Welted Thistle
White Bryony
White Campion
White Clover
White Dead-Nettle
White Water-Lily
Common Yarrow
Wild Basil
Wild Carrot
Wild Mignonette
Wild Teasel
Wild Thyme
Wood Avens
Wood Sage
Woody Nightshade
Yellow Corydalis
Yellow Horned Poppy
Hairy Bittercress
Petty Spurge
Procumbent Pearlwort
Charlock Mustard
Field Speedwell
Sea Thrift
Sea Plantain
Sheep's Bit Scabious
Sun Spurge
Common Milkwort
Sea Spurge
Wild Clary
Shining Cranesbill
Sticky Storksbill
Sea Holly
No petals
1 (Cowl, Bell, Tube)
Plants attractive to birds
Annual Sunflower
Helianthus annuus
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Moths are attracted to this plant
Beetles are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Black Elderberry
Sambucus nigra
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Branched Bur-Reed
Sparganium erectum
Birds are attracted to this plant
Broadleaf Plantain
Plantago major
Birds are attracted to this plant
Burnet Rose
Rosa pimpinellifolia
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Canadian Goldenrod
Solidago canadensis
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Charlock Mustard
Sinapis arvensis
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Flies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Common Daisy
Bellis perennis
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Common Dandelion
Taraxacum officinale
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Beetles are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Common Fennel
Foeniculum vulgare
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Common Hop
Humulus lupulus
Wildlife garden plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Moths are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Common Yarrow
Achillea millefolium
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Cotton Thistle
Onopordum acanthium
Bees are attracted to this plant
Flies are attracted to this plant
Beetles are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Creeping Thistle
Cirsium arvense
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Dog Rose
Rosa canina
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Moths are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
European Goldenrod
Solidago virgaurea
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Fat Hen
Chenopodium album
Birds are attracted to this plant
Field Scabious
Knautia arvensis
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Pilosella aurantiaca
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Moths are attracted to this plant
Flies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Greater Knapweed
Centaurea scabiosa
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Lunaria annua
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Moths are attracted to this plant
Flies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Japanese Rose
Rosa rugosa
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Moths are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Large-Flowered Evening Primrose
Oenothera glazioviana
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Moths are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Marsh Marigold
Caltha palustris
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Artemisia vulgaris
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Musk Thistle
Carduus nutans
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Red Clover
Trifolium pratense
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Ribwort Plantain
Plantago lanceolata
Wildlife garden plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Moths are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Beetles are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Sea Holly
Eryngium maritimum
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Moths are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Flies are attracted to this plant
Beetles are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Slender Thistle
Carduus tenuiflorus
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Small Scabious
Scabiosa columbaria
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Small Teasel
Dipsacus pilosus
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Spear Thistle
Cirsium vulgare
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Stinging Nettle
Urtica dioica
Wildlife garden plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Moths are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Tanacetum vulgare
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Traveller's Joy
Clematis vitalba
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Moths are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Welted Thistle
Carduus crispus
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
White Clover
Trifolium repens
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Wild Honeysuckle
Lonicera periclymenum
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Moths are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Wild Teasel
Dipsacus fullonum
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Hoverflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Wood Forget-Me-Not
Myosotis sylvatica
Wildlife garden plant
Flies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant
Woodland Strawberry
Fragaria vesca
Wildlife garden plant
Bees are attracted to this plant
Butterflies are attracted to this plant
Birds are attracted to this plant