Wall Lettuce is a
perennial plant of the UK, typically found growing in walls and rocky areas and waste ground, to a mature height of up to 150cm.
Wall Lettuce is an erect plant with a very open branched structure when in flower, with most of its leaves to be found near the base of the plant. The flowers are of a composite (daisy-like) structure, having only ray florets and no central disc florets (like the Common Dandelion). Wall Lettuce flowers are very simple, having only five ray florets, each with one large notched petal pointing outwards.
Botanic classification and naming: Wall Lettuce is a member of the Daisy (Asteraceae) family. The genus name
'Mycelis' identifies the plant as a Wall Lettuce and its species name 'muralis' means 'wall-growing plant'.
Benefits: Pollinated by bees and flies.
Benefits to wildlife are also indicated with orange icons in the plant profile bar at the top.