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Common Storksbill Erodium cicutarium 

Attracts BeesBees are attracted to this plant
Attracts ButterfliesButterflies are attracted to this plant
Attracts MothsMoths are attracted to this plant
Attracts BeetlesBeetles are attracted to this plant
Annual Life CycleAnnual life cycle
Star-Shaped FlowersStar-shaped flowers
Lilac FlowersLilac flowers
5 Petals5 petals
Apr-Sep Flowering
Pinnate LeavesPinnate leaves
Hairy-Edged LeavesHairy-edged leaves
Round StemRound stem
Tap RootTap root
25cmMaximum height
  Main image of Common Storksbill

© 2020-2025 Adrian Briggs


Common Storksbill is a native annual plant of the UK, typically found growing in sand dunes, dry grassland and waste ground, to a mature height of up to 25cm.

Storksbill takes its name from the very long 'beaked' shape of its fruit capsule. It has been used traditionally in herbal medicine to treat skin conditions and control bleeding. Characteristic features of the plant include: a star-shaped arrangement of oval separated lilac petals; fern-like doubly divided leaves; hairy stems and leaves; and green stems turning red.

Botanic classification and naming: Common Storksbill is a member of the Geranium (Geraniaceae) family. The genus name 'Erodium' identifies the plant as a Storksbill and its species name 'cicutarium' means 'plant like Cicuta (Hemlock)'.

Benefits: Provides a food source for caterpillars of the Brown Argus butterfly.

Benefits to wildlife are also indicated with orange icons in the plant profile bar at the top.


Flower of Common Storksbill

© 2021 Adrian Briggs


Common Storksbill usually flowers between April and September.

Flower colour:

Flower Colour Lilac


Flower shape:

Flower Shape  Star



Petal Number =  5


Leaf of Common Storksbill

© 2021 Adrian Briggs



Leaf Shape:

Leaf Shape is Pinnate


Leaf Margins:

Leaf Margin is hairy


Stem of Common Storksbill

© 2021 Adrian Briggs


Stem and Roots:

Stem shape:

Stem Shape is Round


Root type:

Root Type is Tap
