Pink Sorrel is a
perennial plant of the UK, typically found growing in urban areas and waste ground, to a mature height of up to 25cm.
Pink Sorrel, a South American plant, was introduced into the UK in the late ninetenth century and is commonly found in the wild as a garden 'escape'. As the name suggests, Pink Sorrel has pink to lilac flowers and the name 'Sorrel' denotes a sour-tasting plant, owing to the presence of oxalic acid.
Botanic classification and naming: Pink Sorrel is a member of the Wood Sorrel (Oxalidaceae) family. The genus name
'Oxalis' identifies the plant as a Wood Sorrel and its species name 'articulata' means 'jointed plant'.
Concerns: The plant can root easily from fragments and spreads quickly by putting out rhizomes.