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Greater Knapweed Centaurea scabiosa 

Wildlife GardenWildlife garden plant
Attracts BeesBees are attracted to this plant
Attracts ButterfliesButterflies are attracted to this plant
Attracts HoverfliesHoverflies are attracted to this plant
Attracts BirdsBirds are attracted to this plant
Perennial Life CyclePerennial life cycle
Daisy-Like FlowersDaisy-like flowers
Purple FlowersPurple flowers
Many PetalsMany petals
Jun-Sep Flowering
Lobed LeavesLobed leaves
Lobe-Edged LeavesLobe-edged leaves
Angular StemAngular stem
Tap RootTap root
100cmMaximum height
  Main image of Greater Knapweed

© 2020-2025 Adrian Briggs


Greater Knapweed is a native perennial plant of the UK, typically found growing in grassland, woodland margins and waste ground, to a mature height of up to 100cm.

Knapweed is named after the Middle English 'knopweed', meaning a plant with a 'knop', referring to the plant's hard brown flower buds. Greater Knapweed can be distinguished from Common Knapweed by its: taller height; lobed leaves (rather than simple elongated leaves); spherical flower bud; and a composite flowerhead made up of inner disc florets that are shorter and darker and outer disc florets that are longer, with a rayed petal appearance and frilly ends.

Botanic classification and naming: Greater Knapweed is a member of the Daisy (Asteraceae) family. The genus name 'Centaurea' identifies the plant as a Knapweed and its species name 'scabiosa' means 'itching'.

Benefits: Several species of finch feed on the seed of Greater Knapweed.

Benefits to wildlife are also indicated with orange icons in the plant profile bar at the top.


Flower of Greater Knapweed

© 2021 Adrian Briggs


Greater Knapweed usually flowers between June and September.

Flower colour:

Flower Colour Purple


Flower shape:

Flower Shape  Daisy-like



Petal Number =  Many


Leaf of Greater Knapweed

© 2021 Adrian Briggs



Leaf Shape:

Leaf Shape is Lobed


Leaf Margins:

Leaf Margin is lobed


Stem of Greater Knapweed

© 2021 Adrian Briggs


Stem and Roots:

Stem shape:

Stem Shape is Angular


Root type:

Root Type is Tap
