Small Toadflax is a
annual plant of the UK, typically found growing in cropland and waste ground, to a mature height of up to 25cm.
Small Toadflax (sometimes called the Dwarf Snapdragon), is a native of Continental Europe and was introduced into the UK before the sixteenth century. As the name suggests, the plant is much shorter than the Common Toadflax and it also differs by bearing its leaves singly on the stem, instead of in whorls. The name 'Toadflax' comes from the toad-like mouth formed from the two-lipped structure of its flowers and the plant's narrow, pointed, flax-like leaves.
Botanic classification and naming: Small Toadflax is a member of the Plantain (Plantaginaceae) family. The genus name
'Chaenorhinum' identifies the plant as a Dwarf Snapdragon and its species name 'minus' means 'small-sized plant'.